Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador

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Photos: Suchi Pakari Lodge

Mother, Teacher and Doctor Ayahuasca. Take away from my mind, my heart, my spirit and my body, all the things that can harm others and me, protect me. Make difficult things easy for me to understand. Master Ayahuasca take me to your World…

The plane is about to land… A woman is waiting for us at the Quito airport carrying a sign with our names and Suchipakari Lodge distinctive insignia. We look like any tourist, but our trip is different.

SUCHIPAKARI: An Intimate and Secluded Hub

Suchipakari Amazon Lodge has a truly privileged location very deep in Napo´s province jungle, only 4 hours away from Quito airport, thus providing the perfect balance between intimacy, healing, adventure and relaxation.

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador


Ayahuasca is an Amazon rainforest liana. It is said that it has been known for 5.000 years. Ayahuasca is the basis of Shamanism medicine and of the Amazonian indigenous Cosmo view. It is called Caapi in Brazil, Yagé in Colombia and Ayahuasca or Natema in Ecuador and Peru. In the Quichua language it means “liana of heavens” “rope of the spirits” or “death liana”.

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador


Shamanism is passed on from generation to generation, and a series of treatments are used to treat diseases, to achieve body and spirit harmony. Shamans are the only ones in charge of these activities; as they have inherited rich wisdom that complements with elements of natural energies and spiritual forces from mother earth.

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador


Master Ayahuasca has a communion thru a series of rituals, among them: sacred chants or Icarus, and prayers for nature spirits and higher beings. First, forest plants such as Ayahuasca liana (Banisteriopsis caapi) and chacruna (Psychotria viridis) are collected. Diet, meditation, body and spirit preparation are acts of respect towards the spiritual beings that inhabit plants, animals and the forest itself. You cannot collect anything without permission in the forest, it’s the reciprocity expressed through singing of sacred songs and natural tobacco smoking.

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador


Experiences with Ayahuasca are diverse in depth and in form. Each ceremony with Ayahuasca has learning and an understanding processes. The experiences can be intense; they can be bad, good, rewarding or simply nothing extraordinary. Ayahuasca is probably not for everyone, you have to be willing to immerse into the depths of your unconscious to have a powerful and long spiritual experience. But when you do it willingly and without fear, it’s a life-changing experience.

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador

Ayahuasca does not give you what you want; it gives you what you need. It’s wonderful to force your brain capacity to its limits.

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador

“The decision to make the spiritual retreat with Ayahuasca should not be taken lightly or hastily, but in a reflective, mature and conscious way. A set of attitudes and behaviors must be assumed in order to strengthen relaxation with Ayahuasca, in other words, to experience the purification and healing process”.

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador

Ayahuasca Testimony

With Ayahuasca you die a little, that’s why it is known as the “death liana”. With Ayahuasca you always lose the battle in order to reborn stronger, more alive and in communion with life itself. Simply living life at its purest and most colorful way. I’m not afraid of death. I crave for life.

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador

I returned home, but since then I have not been the same, I have more days of harmony and energy to live BEING THE BEST VERSION OF ME… Thanks to SUCHIPAKARI LODGE STAFF for the experience! (Ixpanea Valadez – Mexico)

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador

Suchipakari Lodge - CLAVE! Turismo Ecuador